Monday, March 29, 2010

New Citizen of the World

"First Steps"

Look very closely at the above picture and you'll spot the still bloody umbilical cord which recently attached this baby to the very attentive momma. This little new citizen was born on a very drizzly, rainy Sunday, March 28 between 11:30am and 12 o'clock noon. Within seconds of standing up, he nursed a little from a very full udder, and then his mother began to walk with him - I held my breath watching - the new born was keeping up very nicely, but the legs had a life of their own and were going in every direction before hitting the ground in a manner which promoted forward movement. Mom was very focused on moving him toward a "tramp shed" to get in out of the rain.

This mother is blessed with her own sense of direction, survival instinct and intuitive knowing what to do to care for that newborn and keep him alive and thriving, and she acts on her "knowing" without hesitation or thinking about alternatives. I think we've all got that instinct, that knowing --- we just need to trust more in our built in sense of direction and let go of waiting for others to tell us what is best.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Snow Drops At The Equinox

This year, in Indiana, our Snow Drops were almost three weeks late in blooming because we had so much snow on the ground for so long. I can always count on Snow Drops for Valentine's Day, but these popped their heads up through the melting snow on March 4th! That works out for me, because they will be here for the Vernal Equinox this coming Sunday, March 21.

Have you seen Jack-In-The-Green?
With his long tail hanging down
He quietly sits under every tree
in the folds of his velvet gown.
He drinks from the empty acorn cup
the dew that dawn sweetly bestows

And taps his cane upon the ground

Signals the Snowdrops it's time to grow.

...... Jethro Tull

And, along with the Snowdrops, we have a special visitor from Denmark who wants his "momma" Mette to know that he is having a wonderful time!

"Hello! I'm really here!"

"And I have my own Muffler for Chilly Days!"

's time to grow.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

In Like A Lion .......

And *very* frustrated right now ... here we are six days into March, the sun is shining, the sky is clear blue and my Snow Drops are blooming ... Thursday was the first day up for them, and they had poked their head and hands through soggy snow - and I had no camera to take the "classic" snow drop picture. I still have no camera .... I'm finding lots of other lovely things that I've not seen for a long, long time, but I still haven't found my camera.