Friday, March 19, 2010

Snow Drops At The Equinox

This year, in Indiana, our Snow Drops were almost three weeks late in blooming because we had so much snow on the ground for so long. I can always count on Snow Drops for Valentine's Day, but these popped their heads up through the melting snow on March 4th! That works out for me, because they will be here for the Vernal Equinox this coming Sunday, March 21.

Have you seen Jack-In-The-Green?
With his long tail hanging down
He quietly sits under every tree
in the folds of his velvet gown.
He drinks from the empty acorn cup
the dew that dawn sweetly bestows

And taps his cane upon the ground

Signals the Snowdrops it's time to grow.

...... Jethro Tull

And, along with the Snowdrops, we have a special visitor from Denmark who wants his "momma" Mette to know that he is having a wonderful time!

"Hello! I'm really here!"

"And I have my own Muffler for Chilly Days!"

's time to grow.


Blogger softearthart said...

What delightful pictures, hi from New Zealand Marie

March 19, 2010 at 3:15 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Ricka!!!

Oh, really made me smile! Thanks for this lovely post...and thanks for posting my polar bear again...he looks so fine on your scarf!!!

I'm glad to see that you have finally got some snowdrops...late, late, late...but Jack-In-The-Green has come!! Here in DK spring is also on it's way...I've seen the pigons try out the old nests...and the male pigons are 'dancing' so very fine outside my window...

Every season has its charm...and at the end of a season I always long for the new one to begin! Spring brings hope and new life. Every year I think about the forces of nature...and all the 'power' it must take for the plants to 'give birth' to new leaves and flowers. And none of them think: I'll skip it this year...I don't feel up to it right now ;O)

Nature surprices...and every day!!

Many hugs to you, Ricka!!!

Hugs and thanks!

March 19, 2010 at 3:43 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Vernal Equinox, Ricka!

Hugs from Mette

March 20, 2010 at 1:14 PM  
Blogger Dsata said...

Cute !

March 23, 2010 at 9:59 AM  

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